Chikungunya fever
An infection that is caused by the Chikungunya virus, which is transmitted by mosquitoes; it is characterized by fever and severe arthralgia.
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Recent Cases of Chikungunya fever
Browse recently discussed Chikungunya fever cases by specialistsPlantago Q and Rhus Tox can cure it
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Top Cases of Chikungunya fever
Selected by editors, top cases are known for unique problem or best solution221 Views
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Top Chikungunya fever Doctors on Curofy
Top doctors who continously share their opinions on Chikungunya feverSwasthya Kalyan Gama Bhawan, Narayan Singh Circle
Homeopathic Physician
Skh Medical College Jaipur

Naturopathic /Ayurvedic/homoeopathic
Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar

Indian Spinal Injuries Center
Maulana Azad Medical College

Medical Component OfHCM
Remained Incharge Medical Officer with Hon'Ble C.M of J and K for More Than 20 Years from Jan 2000 To October 2020
Govt. Medical College, Jammu
M.S (General Surgery )

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Uterine leiomyomas, often known as fibroids, are estimated to affect 77% of reproductive-aged women. Congenital uterine anomalies exist in approximately 4.3% of fertile women. Of these 4.3% of patients, uterine didelphys is present in only 8%. Given these statistics, a case with these characteristics has a 0.0026% chance of occurrence. As a result, when the patient presented with leiomyomas in both uteri, it is essential to discuss this case due to its rarity. Check out this case presentation by Dr. Viraj and share your views on the case. Follow us for more such updates!
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F.41 yrs. Limping left. 1 year
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