Tumors are abnormal growths in your body. They can be either benign or malignant. Benign tumors aren't cancer. Malignant ones are. Benign tumors grow only in one place. They cannot spread or invade other parts of your body. Even so, they can be dangerous if they press on vital organs, such as your brain.Tumors are made up of extra cells. Normally, cells grow and divide to form new cells as your body needs them. When cells grow old, they die, and new cells take their place. Sometimes, this process goes wrong. New cells form when your body does not need them, and old cells do not die when they should. These extra cells can divide without stopping and may form tumor.Treatment often involves surgery. Benign tumors usually don't grow back.NIH: National Cancer Institute
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Top Syringoma Doctors on Curofy
Top doctors who continously share their opinions on SyringomaEx.central Hospital Dhanbad.1985 ..1993..ex.pathologist .drs Tribedy and Roy Dianostic Lab.kolkata.ex Pathologist.inst of Child Health Kolkata.
Senior Pathologist
School of Tropical Medicine. Kolkata
d c p
Dr.sunitas Skin; Hair & Laser Centre
Dr.Sunita ; Nutritionist ; Cosmetic Dermatology
Dr.Sunitas Diet & Beauty Clinic
; Diploma in dermatology;PG diploma cosmetic medicine & surgery Diploma in nutrition ; PGDHAMS
20 Years of Teaching To Both UGs & PGs
As Assistant, Associate & Professor
Gandhi Medical College, Dr. NTRUHS
MD Pathology
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F.43yrs. Pain & swelling at angle of left lower jaw. 5 months
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TRUE BROAD LIGAMENT FIBROID *Chief Complaints* 40 year old female presented with lower abdominal pain and heaviness since 6 months *History* Case of para 2 previous 2 normal deliveries presented with lower abdominal pain and heaviness since 6 months. History of increased frequency of micturition. No history of noticing any mass per abdomen. No bowel disturbances. No loss of weight *Vitals* Pulse 78/ min. BP 116/80 mmHg. *Physical Examination* Per abdomen uterus irregularly enlarged to 16 weeks size felt more on left side occupying hypogastric and left ileac fossa region. Per speculum examination. Cervix deviated to right side, with os pointing towards left. Per Vaginal Examination. Uterus iregularly enlarged to 16 weeks size deviated to left. No groove felt between mass and uterus. Cervix felt on right side around 2 cm length os facing left side. *Investigations* Ultrasound revealed fibroid on left lateral wall of uterus around 10*12 cm. No other fibroids seen. Both ovaries normal. *Diagnosis* Fibroid uterus *Management* Patient taken for laparotomy. OT FINDINGS :- Uterus normal size True left sided broad ligament fibroid noted 10*10 cm. Uterine vessels noted to be traversing medial to fibroid. Hysterectomy done taking care of ureter. Histopath came as fibroid
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